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Monday, 22 October 2012

Beating The Bullys

One in 12 youngsters are bullied so badly that it affects their education, relationships and even their job prospects in later life.
And in 10 to 15 cases every year the bullying reaches such a dreadful level that it drives its young victims to suicide. (Daily Mirror's Beat the Bullies campaign
Here are 3 ways you can teach your children to beat off bullies.
1. Find out your school's anti-bullying policy and make sure your child knows it's okay to talk to a teacher. As soon as you encounter behaviour which is not acceptable to you let them know to talk to someone.

2. A bully thrives off the fact that you are too scared to confront them. Teach your child to ignore negative comments and the power of the word "No!" It is difficult to pick on someone who won't stand still to listen to threats.

3. Be Cautious. Change your route to school, avoid certain parts of the playground. Safety is the most important thing.

Don't ever let your child feel like a victim. If you have been bullied for a long time, you might start to believe what the bully says. Sit down with your child and have them make a list of all the good things they can think of about themselves.